Learning to play guitar is rewarding and fun. It’s also a commitment, so developing effective practice habits can turn your commitment into a passion, a strong hobby, or even a career! When you are taking guitar lessons and working on what your teacher assigned, you consider the following recommendations to make the most out of
Are Your Piano Students Playing To Fast?
Sometimes the most important learning experiences can be missed when we move too fast. Teaching Rubato to “Speedy Piano students” can really help them as a musician in the future, and in general. Here are a few helpful tips to make this learning process easier for you and the student. Acknowledge They Play Fast Kids
3 Passions, One Piano And Voice Teacher
Piano And Voice Teacher If you have ever met me in person, you know I have 3 passions when it comes to music; John Field, any opera from the bel canto period, and music therapy. I’m not talking about sitting in a circle singing “Kumbaya” which is the wrong mass stereotype of music therapy, but
Practicing Piano with a Metronome
Practicing piano with a metronome can be difficult at first. No lie. I know this because I remember the difficulty I had when I first started out playing piano. I also know this because of my experience teaching beginning piano students. But the metronome is an extremely important training tool you can learn to use and even love. In this article, I’m going to share a few tips and techniques that will make learning how to practice piano with a metronome easier.
Metronomes, use them! Make in-home music lessons more sucessful.
When learning an instrument, it can seem like a metronome is your worst enemy. It makes playing everything seem much more difficult! It may seem difficult now, but practicing with a metronome trains you physically and mentally to keep consistent time in your playing. Being able to keep a steady time is essential to playing
Music and the brain
Music and the brain… When I did a stint as a brain trainer for an established learning center, I was struck by the fact that we did about 90% of our brain exercises set to a metronome. Yes, the thing that sat on top of my piano all through my early years. A metronome. After