Finding the Right Balance School is back in session along with so many other activities. You and your child may be feeling overwhelmed and struggling to get into a good routine. Rest assured, it’s just the nature of the season! You may be tempted to cut back on activities and stop music lessons, but
Monthly News letters
Stringing Along
Decisons, Decisions….. If you have a school-aged child, they may soon be choosing an instrument to play in their school band or orchestra. With so many choices, it’s hard to decide, but the best thing you can do is read about and listen to a variety of instruments. The article below will help you understand
Tickle The Ivories
You’re Never to Young or Old The piano is a great instrument for a beginner of any age. Compared to other instruments, It’s easy to play right away. Just press a key and a (well-tuned) piano produces the correct note every time. After learning just a few notes, the student can play a simple, but
Now What?
Taking music lessons is a fun activity for many children, but have you ever wondered what your child can ‘do’ with their lessons as they progress? From pursuing a college degree in music, to starting a band, playing gigs, accompanying others, playing with or for friends in a social setting, or just establishing a lifelong
Pull The Right Strings!
Start at the Beginning Sometimes it’s just seems easier to start fresh and a new year is often the time people set goals or make changes in their life. The hurry of the holidays is past and often there is more free time available. With music, it doesn’t matter if it’s a new year or