How to Support Your Child During Singing Lessons

How to Warm Up And Fine-Tune Your Singing VoiceAs a parent, you want to support your child in everything they do. This includes their singing lessons. Some parents, though, aren’t quite sure how they can support their child outside of attending their recitals and arranging for private voice lessons for kids. If you’re not certain how to show how much you support your child’s singing other than attending performances, here are a few tips.

Use Your Own Voice

You don’t have to literally sing your child’s praises, but do make sure they know how proud you are that they’ve dedicated themselves to their singing lessons with their voice teacher in Atlanta. Regularly tell them how impressed you are with the work they’re doing and how great they sound. Remember to keep this up, too. Many parents do start out strong with praise, but aren’t as enthusiastic over time. This isn’t because they’re no longer encouraging. It’s simply because the vocal lessons have become a routine part of life and so no longer stand out. Try not to forget to be encouraging just because singing lessons are no longer new.

Help Keep Your Child’s Voice Healthy

While you shouldn’t limit what your child eats, you can help them have healthy meals regularly and on the days of performances. There are some foods that help promote a healthy voice. This includes drinking water to stay hydrated, eating raw vegetables and fruit to reduce inflammation, and eating fish for the concentration and focus it provides. Don’t become too controlling of your child’s diet, though. Instead, explain how these foods help their voice stay strong.

Enjoy Music Together

Listen to music with your child, especially music they enjoy. Ask them why they like it so much. Talk about the history of that type of music and learn about some of the most famous musicians to play it. If possible, even take your child to live performances every now and then. Let music become something the two of you (and the rest of your family) can bond over.

Stop Smoking

If you smoke, stop. Your child’s voice can be irreparably damaged by secondhand smoke. That’s in addition to the many other ways it can be harmful to them and to you. Encourage anyone in your family to stop, not necessarily for your child’s sake but for their own.

Find Fun Music Apps

There are a lot of music apps and websites out there that present learning in a fun way. These are especially good for young children who are just starting out learning music. They can learn the notes and other fundamentals through games, so it won’t even feel like they’re doing music homework. As a bonus, you might pick up some of this knowledge, too. It never hurts to learn a little more.

Help Your Child with Practice

Take an active interest in your child’s practice time. Help them set aside time to practice regularly and offer to be there with them when they do. Some children may want to practice in private, especially if they’re not comfortable performing yet. That’s okay—let them have their space if that’s what they need. But always be sure they know you’re there to help them however they need. Provide them with water and whatever else they need.

Be Their Biggest Cheerleader

Don’t just try to make the big recitals—make it to every performance possible. Get your child’s siblings to attend. Encourage other relatives and family friends to show up. Share your child performing (with their permission, of course!) on social media. Knowing that you’ll be there listening to them sing is one of the best feelings a young performer can have.

Need a Vocal Teacher?

If your child wants to start taking singing lessons, we can help. Our teachers will come right to your home for every lesson, plus we offer virtual music lessons, too. However, our online music lessons are being taught by local music teachers with live lessons tailored to your child! Contact us today to learn more.

How to Support Your Child During Singing Lessons

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