When it comes to learning how to sing, everyone’s goals are different. Even if you’ve already signed up for voice lessons Denver to pursue your goal of learning to sing, there are still many ways to supplement those lessons with practice at home. And, with more tools available online than ever to teach you the best way to improve your singing voice, you can easily get ahead of the game by implementing some of our key tips and tricks for teaching yourself to sing at home, too. With voice lessons in Denver, plus your extra hard work at home, you’ll be singing like a pro in no time.
Where to Start
If you haven’t started taking lessons with a voice teacher in Denver yet and want to see if you truly want to commit to improving your voice, you’ve come to the right place. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of online resources. From YouTube tutorials to blogs to WikiHow to Reddit, the internet seems to want to help you succeed at improving your voice.
Can you really train your voice? If you think you have to be born sounding like Ariana Grande to be a good singer, you’re wrong! Our tips to improve your singing voice at home are for any and everybody. Finding a source of credible information that makes learning fun is key to your education, engagement, and commitment. We think if you implement these techniques for at least 30 minutes every day, you can get far on your own.
7 Ways You Can Teach Yourself to Sing at Home
Sing with the right posture
The really great news about learning to sing from home is that you can start out with some really basic, foundational techniques to master that have nothing to do with singing (but everything, as you’ll soon learn). You can almost instantly improve your singing voice by making sure you’re keeping your body in the proper posture. The correct posture for singing is called “tall posture,” and to achieve tall posture, you must stand with your feet, hips, and shoulders aligned (not slouching) and your chest lifted. Your neck and chin should be straight.
Learn proper breath support
In order to really learn how to sing, you’ll have to learn how to breathe. Yes, you read that correctly. We know that you’re breathing right now as you read this, but you’re not breathing from your diaphragm. Breathing from your diaphragm helps you take fuller and more efficient breaths for singing.
Learn to sing on pitch and in tune
It’s a common misconception that you can either sing in tune or not. This is not true! Learning to sing on pitch can be tough, but you can do exercises at home to practice, like finding a comfortable note at the bottom of your range and singing scales. This is a great beginner lesson to ease you into singing on pitch.
Learn how to project your voice
Learning how to project your voice so that people can hear you without straining your vocal chords is a technique to master early on. In the same way you naturally speak loudly and annunciate in order to be heard, you can naturally project your voice when singing. One of the best ways to learn this is to ‘speak sing’ lyrics of a song. By this, we mean to choose a lyric from a song and say it as if you’re on stage, trying to make sure the back row of an audience can hear you. Then, try speak-singing the lyric, and you’ll feel your vocal chords naturally project the words.
Learn to sing in a chest voice
If you’re just starting out, you probably are hearing phrases like “chest voice” and “head voice” but don’t know what they mean. Chest voice refers to hitting the notes at the bottom of your vocal range- learning to project these notes creates a vibration you can feel in your chest. You can practice singing in a chest voice by placing a hand on your chest and singing a word with a strong consonant sound, starting at the bottom of your range. Sing this word on a scale.
Learn to sing in a head voice
You might have guessed that if chest voice refers to how you hit your lowest notes, head voice refers to how you hit your highest notes. Head voice refers to the vibrations in your neck and head when you sing. You can practice head voice by singing a word with lots of soft vowel sounds, with your hand on the back of your neck. Sing this word in your low, chest voice, and go all the way up to the highest, top of your voice and back down.
Learn how to learn songs
This last one may sound a little funny. Learn how to sing songs? Isn’t that just by singing them? When we say learn to sing songs, we mean learn to employ all the techniques you’ve learned when you sing a song. Singing songs is much harder than just performing vocal exercises. It’s much more difficult to put into practice what you’ve learned while hitting all the right notes and cadences. Learning to sing a song requires you to understand your own voice and how best to use it. In order to practice singing songs, one helpful tip is if there’s a particular lyric or part of the song you can’t quite get, you can sub every word for just one word and practice singing the lyric that way to help you.
Get Singing!
Whether you’re already taking voice lessons in Denver or you’re trying to decide if they’re right for you, there are many ways you can improve your singing at home. Using online resources and mastering a few foundational techniques can help you improve your singing voice at home, at no cost to you. If you think you’d like to pursue further lessons, Lessons in Your Home offers in-person and virtual music lessons convenient to your schedule and needs. Our online music lessons are taught by local music teachers with live lessons tailored to your child!