Can You Really Train Your Voice?

shutterstock_2044494557Many people consider the human voice to be more of a talent and less of an instrument. It’s a common misconception that the only people taking voice lessons in Denver are people who have always been, and will always be, naturally gifted singers. But, any teacher of voice lessons in Denver will tell you: your voice is an instrument!
Not only is your voice an instrument the way a guitar or a piano is an instrument, but you can’t ever forget your instrument in your house or on the subway or a plane. Your voice is as unique as your thumbprint, and having a beautiful voice is not a matter of divine luck. A beautiful voice is something that you can achieve with practice. The art and science of singing is understanding the tools already available to you. As music teachers and singers, we’ll help you understand what you need to be aware of to become a good singer and how you can steadily improve your singing voice.

Understanding Your Voice: What Makes a Great Singer?

Some people are naturally better singers than others. But, that doesn’t mean they know how to use their voice to its full potential. If you ask any voice teacher in Denver what they think makes a truly good singer, they will tell you it’s a combination of understanding these five elements. If you want to improve your voice, you have to understand how these aspects work individually and together.


One of the foundational requirements of being a good singer is to identify your pitch and to be able to keep it under control. Untrained singers will give themselves away through various means of losing vocal control: Faltering, losing your footing, warbling off-key, and getting carried away are all signs of an uncontrolled pitch.


This one sounds abstract, but it’s really not. Strong vocal cords are the base on which you build the rest of your vocal repertoire. Strengthening and supporting your vocal cords through breathing techniques, muscle exercises, throat routines, and consistent practice will give you a strong, supported voice.

Volume and Style

Control over the volume your voice makes and the style you take shows the mark of a good singer. Those in control of their volume and style won’t rush into or mumble through songs but find what works for their voice in every song.


Awareness encompasses not only if you’re in tune with a song or not, but whether or not you’re hurting yourself in the process. Being aware of your muscles and what your throat and mouth are doing in order to achieve certain notes or pitches will help you keep your vocal cords in good condition and help you find the right pitch.

Knowing Your Unique Voice

Everyone has a different setup in their vocal cords and must learn to use them accordingly. Once you’ve found your range, stick to it.

How to Improve Your Singing Voice

Know Your Weaknesses

Now that you’ve got a working understanding of the foundational elements of being a good singer, you can hone in on the areas in which you need to improve in your voice lessons in Denver. The best way to do this is to record yourself singing a song that’s familiar to you. Use this recording to compare yourself to the original artist. You could even play it in your lessons, and your teacher can give you feedback on ways you can improve.

Practice Makes Perfect

It’s an old adage, but daily, consistent practice will help your vocal cords stay strong and in good condition. Daily practice also helps improve your range and tone.

Don’t Skip Warm-Ups

One of the mistakes that beginning singers make is skipping warm-ups. Just like athletes have to warm up their bodies before games and practices, so should you warm up your voice before each lesson or performance. Your thor is a muscle, and there are exercises to loosen your muscles in order to keep them in peak condition without hurting them.

Learn How to Breathe

It may sound silly to think about learning how to breathe, but we mean it! Breathing exercises are key for those looking to improve their singing voices. You must learn to utilize your full lung capacity when singing, and that starts with learning proper breathing techniques. Proper breathing technique involves relaxation and an awareness of your lungs and diaphragm.

Invest in Your Instrument

If your instrument were a violin, you’d regularly change the strings, take care of the bow, etc. Your voice is your instrument, and it needs to be cared for and maintained in order to do what you ask of it. Drinking plenty of water per day, avoiding smoking, and staying away from anything that unnecessarily strains your voice is key.

Practice Good Posture

Just like breathing, good posture is essential to improving singing. When you sing, air flows through your body, so by slumping your shoulders or being hunched over, you can really prevent your diaphragm from opening fully. One good way to practice singing with proper posture is to sing while lying down. This keeps your back and shoulders straight, training your muscles to replicate the posture when you stand up.

Master Enunciation

No one likes a mumbler, and this is especially true in singing. Not only does enunciation help your throat and jaw muscles improve, but your voice will sound louder and clearer if you enunciate.

Understand Head and Chest Voice

If you’ve never heard of head and chest voice, your teacher in your voice lessons in Denver can help you understand and distinguish the two. Learning the difference can help you widen your singing range and avoid straining up to hit high notes by focusing on your chest voice.

Use a Metronome

Lastly, if you’re finding it difficult to keep a beat, or you’re not sure that you’re staying on beat, try using a metronome when you practice. Different metronomes are set to different tempos, so you can use them to learn how to keep a steady beat until you can sing steadily without one.
To get professional training from a certified instructor and to register for voice lessons in Atlanta, contact Lessons in Your Home today. Our teachers come right to your home for every lesson, plus we offer virtual music lessons, too. Our online music lessons are taught by local music teachers with live lessons tailored to your child!

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