You Can’t Play This To Not Make A Mistake The words above, “You Can’t Play This To Not Make A Mistake” were spoken by a director at a recent music festival to a group of high school band and orchestra students. I’m honestly not sure the students really understood, but as a conscious observer,
What Can My Rock Guitar Student Play at a Recital?
Rock Guitar Student Rocks Recitals! One of the most universal goals for students taking music lessons is to have the opportunity to perform. That’s why talent shows, showcases, open mics, and concerts are such a popular forum. It’s a gift to be able to share your musical talents and achievements with an audience, and the
Make Two Mistakes Every Time You Play
Piano Teachers Take – Make Two Mistakes Every Time Piano Teachers who teach students to make mistakes during a performance have many students that do the opposite. It’s not really reverse Psychology, it’s just letting piano lesson students know it’s okay to make mistakes. It may seam weird but as a practice I ask every
A Private Music Teachers New Years Checklist
If you are like me, a private music teacher, then the new year is when you prepare to take on new music students in your studio. But how do you attract new students? Here are some ideas that you can try to spread the word about your music lessons. Post flyers I have found that
Make Yourself Nervous – Recital Music Preperation
Of Course we’re not suggesting to make yourself nervous, but when you are preparing your recital music, you need to be ready for anything, including feeling nervous. This article points out many of the non-obvious things to get ready for as your recital approaches.
DON’T Skip The Recital! 5 Reasons Why Students Need Them.
Students need music lesson recitals, this article will help outline why and how recitals are necessary Recital time is upon us. The next 2 months will be filled with song picking, practicing, nerves, practicing, learning and re-learning how to bow, practicing, anticipation, and…practicing! Some kids really look forward to recitals and some dread this time
Start Lessons Now – Practice Backwards? Oh yes!
If you are trying to learn piano or learn guitar or learn any instrument, your going to need to learn how to practice. The most common overlooked technique might be practicing backwards. Why? watch the video.
Teach Students How To End A Song. Elinor Rigby
How To End A Song Often times at student recitals, we see a really good performance followed by a student bolting off the stage, some times wile they are still holding the last note. If you have ever played a recital you can probably remember that it can fell good to be done and running
A young piano student does his best!
A young piano student has many obstacles to overcome before his first piano recital. Where then do we set the bar and doing well? We say the answer is within each young piano student to do their best. Doing well at a recital means you did your best. Since “your best” is different for everyone
Great Piano Recital Performance from 4/14/12. Altanta, GA
At a recent Piano Recital Performance,. Molly plays the Lords Prayer. Molly is one of Amore Francis’s best students. When i asked Amore why Molly (and her sister Emily) always played so well his answer was simple. Their family supports their piano lessons so mush, they can’t fail.Molly inspiring recital performance. Amore always does a