Getting Your Child to Practice Their Instrument

Music lessons are awesome! We love when our children say they want to take lessons, and we LOVE hearing those great songs coming from their instruments. But let’s face it, getting them to practice that instrument can sometimes be challenging. “Practice makes perfect,” we’ve heard it and we know it to be true, so this

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Keep In Home Music Students Longer – The Best Part of Teaching Lessons!

The best part of teaching in home music lessons is your students stay with you longer then those who travel to their lessons at a music school or a teacher’s home. There are 3 easy to understand reasons why this is. One, a great music teacher gets more time with the family of their student.

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Ten Boredom Busters to Motivate the Musician in your Family

Looking for a way to motivate the music student in your home to practice their instrument? Beyond the more obvious strategies such as providing a quiet space, having the instrument at hand and keeping to a consistent practice routine, try these ten boredom busters for some fresh ideas to get the sounds of music happening

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Stickers and goals – small motiviations for music students can equal big results!

It doesn’t take much to motivate the under 10 crowd and stickers, sticker charts, and the occasional bonus surprise have kept mine practicing and trying hard all year long. My kids know that if they play their homework song well enough, they will get their choice from a buffet of stickers, that very in sizes

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