Having Fun Taking Piano Lessons In Your Home

Hearing The Fun

Should I Let My Child Quit Piano?First of all, music is just plain fun! The variety and types of music are limitless, and the piano can liven up any gathering. Piano lessons in your home is the springboard to start the fun right away! When my students start taking  piano lessons in their home, it is fun to hear Old MacDonald, Turkey in the Straw, or even Hot Cross Buns. These starting steps in piano lessons are what lead to the bigger things of the future where music gets so creative and fun. Many of the latest pop or country hits are now available in books that have made these songs level appropriate. The in home student becomes engaged and starts to really have a good time at the piano, while at the same time learning great piano.

A Few Techniques to Follow

Good Posture. Mother did know best when she repeatedly said “sit up straight” or “shoulders back”. These truths of good posture hold true in piano lessons as well. When taking piano lessons in the home, these are some of the basic things that a teacher will communicate. Also, hold the wrists up off the piano board is a proper technique also. Like so many other things with music, these posture hints will help in the other areas of life, as well. Having your shoulders loose, and not all tensed up so that your arms hang like ropes in another good technique for piano playing. An in home piano teachers should point these things out-explained in whatever way makes the most sense to the student. Again, that is the benefit of your own private teacher-they can sense whether a communication style is working with a student, or if another approach needs to be taken. With online lessons, or something of that nature, you no longer have the ability to custom tailor a lesson, or communication style for the individual student.

Why We Have Piano Lessons in the Home

Music is Important. This is one of those statements that garners very little argument-though there will always be those that argue J When my child has lessons in our home, I know that at a particular time every week music will be part of his life. If the practicing isn’t what I had hoped, at least music is a regular part of his life. If we decide to throw in the towel, so to speak, because something isn’t just as we envisioned it would be, then music will most likely be NO part of his life. That’s not good! I am much happier having a consistent weekly in home lesson, where I know there is exposure to music, than to think the radio might be  the only music a child has in their life. The value of music is seen everywhere, and having those lessons is the place and time where I know he will get a part of the music world.

Some Fun Piano Memories

Have you ever played “Heart and Soul” with someone? It almost feels like a right of passage in our society. I have many fond memories of sitting down at random pianos (it is amazing to think of some of the places where you find a piano sitting, just waiting to be played) and playing “Heart and Soul” with my best friend. Music is something naturally shared. When lessons in your home are going great, you want to share that with the neighbors, or the best friends in your or your students’ life. I remember when Phantom of the Opera became a huge hit. I couldn’t wait to find the score for “All I Ask of You” and start dissecting it so I could play a small piece of that great musical for myself. Again, that was one of my songs, but the options are limitless of what you can play for yourself once you take the step to take piano lessons in the home. It is an enjoyable, fun, exciting part of life that you can pass on to all those around you!
Are you ready to get started? Contact us today!

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