Free Piano Lessons Happen all the time but it’s not always easy to see where or how. What I mean to say is lots of teachers are going out of their way and giving their piano lesson time away without being asked because the truth is, we just love doing it. Don’t get me wrong we prefer to be paid but here is a list of free piano lessons they you may have not considered.
Free Piano Lessons
Some teachers offer a Trial Lesson but the most common free piano lesson I can think of often happens before a lot of recitals. Sometimes a teacher will call his/her students to come to a location to have a practice run at the upcoming piano recital. I’ve talked to a lot of teachers that do this type of free lesson and while they all agree they would like to get paid for it, many of us don’t ask, we just want our kids to do their best at the recital.
Running Past The Clock
It doesn’t happen every week but it happens, piano teachers “get into it” often. It’s usually a sign that the student is into it too. On an average week, us piano teachers usually see’s a good percentage of students that haven’t practiced. We love them too but when one of our piano lesson a student does, we sometimes can go crazy and forget to check that lesson clock.
We Teach For Food
So we’re not holding a sign or anything but as a piano teacher I have been asked to my share of family dinners with my students. Not only is this a great chance to really get to know the whole family, the night inevitably ends with me on the piano entertaining or teaching an extra lesson to my student or her younger brother. I’ve never minding this type of free time at all and made many a new friend out of they adventure.
On The Phone, Skype, via Google Hang Out
I’m reluctant to call this a free lesson because I think part of teaching lessons is also taking phone calls, Skype, etc to answer any questions that may arise during the week. The truth is the tone of these so called “free piano lessons” as more to do with teachers loving what they do more than getting paid for it. Don’t take advantage of it and free lessons will come your way, you just may have to think creativity about how you’re getting them.