What to Drink to Keep Your Singing Voice Strong 

Musicians understand just how important it is to look after their health so they can perform to the best of their abilities. The health of a singer’s vocal cords is key to developing and maintaining a strong singing voice. Whether you are just getting started with singing lessons or are a seasoned performer, you might be wondering what to drink to have a good voice. With so many recommendations out there, it can be tricky to find the best option for you. At Lessons In Your Home, we recognize that each person is unique, and yet there are some amazing drinks that can help you hydrate and soothe your voice as you prepare to sing. Here’s everything you need to know about what to drink to keep your singing voice strong.

What to Drink to Have a Good, Strong Singing Voice

Just like with any activity, you want to stay healthy and hydrated to achieve optimal performance. You also need to stay hydrated throughout the day for your overall health and well-being. To maintain a strong singing voice, staying hydrated is so important, and choosing the right beverages can play a significant role. Here are some tips for drinks to consider that will help support a strong singing voice:

Drink Room Temperature Water Before Singing

When you think of staying hydrated, your first thought is probably of drinking water. While a cold glass of ice water might sound nice and refreshing, it is actually best to drink room-temperature water before singing. Water helps keep your vocal cords hydrated and reduces the risk of strain or injury. The temperature of the water does matter when it comes to singing because cold water can actually freeze the vocal cords and lessen your ability to sing.

Drink Herbal Tea to Relax Vocal Cords

Herbal teas like chamomile and green tea contain antioxidants that help reduce inflammation naturally. Warm herbal teas can also soothe the vocal cords and can also have the added benefit of being calming. You might consider chamomile tea before a performance to help with any jitters or to help you wind down in the evenings. A warm drink of tea can also help loosen any mucus you may have, which can make it easier to sing.

Mix in Honey to Soothe the Throat

Honey provides a great soothing effect on your vocal cords and throat because of its natural properties, like rich antioxidants and antibacterial components. Mix honey into your herbal tea for an extra boost of protection to your vocal cords along with your general well-being.

Try Propolis to Relieve Sore Throat

Try Propolis, a natural remedy made from beeswax known for soothing sore throats and supporting overall health and wellness. Propolis can help reduce any inflammation in your throat and break up mucus buildup in your sinuses. If you have an infection in your throat, Propolis can help fight it naturally. You can mix in Propolis to any warm liquid drink, including warm water or your herbal tea, before you prepare to sing. This nutrient-rich liquid extract is well-known and respected in the singing community for its ability to help clear and heal your throat.

Drinks You Should Avoid Before Singing

Drinks You Should Avoid Before Singing

Before you sing, there are certain drinks you want to avoid. Some drinks can negatively impact the health of your vocal cords and may even harm your singing voice. Here are five types of drinks to avoid before singing:

Drinks with Dairy

Milk and other drinks with dairy can increase your body’s mucus production. When you have too much mucus in your sinuses, it can make it difficult to sing with clarity. Dairy drinks like milk are also thicker, so when it combines with mucus in your throat, it can stick to the back of your throat and cause your voice to sound off.

Fruit Juice

Fruit juices like orange juice can be quite acidic, which can end up irritating your throat. Some fruit juices may also cause acid reflux, which can also harm your vocal cords. Fruits also have a high sugar content, which can also clog up your throat and cling to any existing mucus in the area.


Alcoholic beverages have a dehydrating effect on the body, which is the exact opposite of what you need for a strong singing voice. Drinking alcohol before singing can dry out your vocal cords and even put you at greater risk of straining or injuring your voice. Wines typically have preservatives in them, which can dry out your throat, and beer is also carbonated, which can cause bloating and gas.


Carbonated drinks like sodas and sparkling waters can create excess gas in your stomach, which can cause bloating. The buildup of gas from soda and other carbonated drinks can make it more difficult to sing comfortably. You want to feel comfortable while singing, and bloating in your stomach can make it difficult to achieve the diaphragmatic breathing necessary for a singer.

Cold Water

Cold water can actually shock your vocal cords and create tension in your throat. This can reduce your vocal range and ability. While it is important to stay hydrated and water is an obvious source of hydration, room temperature water is best.

FAQs About Drinks Before Singing

How Much Water Should You Drink Before Singing?

The amount of water each person’s body needs can vary depending on a variety of factors, including body size, activity level, age, and environment. In general, it is recommended that you drink at least 8 ounces of water before singing to help hydrate your throat and vocal cords.

What If I Find Other Drinks That Are Effective for Me?

You can certainly try out various drinks and methods for keeping yourself hydrated and your vocal cords healthy. You can also talk to your private voice teacher or your doctor about more options if you can’t find something that works well for you.

How Long Should I Drink Anything Before Singing?

Continue to drink water throughout the day before you sing so you can maintain healthy levels of hydration. When you take small sips of water throughout your day, you avoid waiting until you feel thirsty to drink.

Improve Your Singing Voice at Home!

Lessons In Your Home offers private voice lessons with a voice teacher who will meet you at your home or virtually and offer you personalized instruction. A voice teacher can guide you through warm-up exercises and techniques to help keep your vocal cords healthy and your singing voice strong. Vocal health education is an important part of learning to sing, and our teachers are here to help. Visit us online or call to get started today with private singing lessons with Lessons In Your Home.

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