What Instrument Most Often Translates Into A Scholarship?

Five Schools That Offer Violin ScholarshipsFrom elementary to high school, many children discover the joy of playing a musical instrument, whether it’s piano, the violin, or something more unique like the oboe. Becoming an excellent musician takes dedication and countless hours of practice. But this hard work can pay off in a big way—through scholarships that can help fund your education.

Aligning personal musical interests with the instruments that colleges seek most can significantly boost the chances of securing valuable financial aid. Understanding which scholarship instruments are in demand can be your first step toward turning your child’s musical talent into a college scholarship.

Can You Get a Scholarship for Playing an Instrument?

Yes, you can get a scholarship for playing an instrument! Colleges offer music scholarships to attract talented musicians who can contribute to their music programs and ensembles. These scholarships help colleges build robust and diverse music departments, enhancing their cultural and artistic offerings. Colleges draw skilled musicians by providing financial incentives, enabling those who might otherwise be unable to afford tuition, and ensuring their music programs thrive.

Learn more about How to Get a Music Scholarship

Top Instruments That Often Translate Into a Scholarship

When considering what instruments do colleges want, it’s essential to recognize that some instruments are more frequently associated with scholarships due to their popularity and role in various music ensembles. Here are some of the top instruments that often translate into a scholarship.


The piano is a staple in both solo and ensemble performances, making it one of the most sought-after scholarship instruments. Its versatility and widespread use in classical, jazz, and contemporary music mean that pianists are always in demand. Scholarships like the Stella Knobel & Mary Jean Carter Scholarship program, worth $2,500, are specifically available for adept piano players. The melodious tunes of a piano can make anyone want to begin learning, and this dedication can pay off significantly in scholarship opportunities.


The violin is integral to orchestras and string quartets, making violinists highly desirable for college music programs. Many scholarships are available for violin players due to the instrument’s critical role in ensemble performances. This makes the violin a prime example when answering the question, “Can you get a scholarship for playing an instrument?”


Flutists are essential in both band and orchestral settings. The South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship, worth $6,500, is one example of financial aid available to talented high school graduates pursuing the flute. Colleges look for flutists to enhance their woodwind sections, making it a popular choice among scholarship instruments.


Trumpet players are in high demand for their roles in jazz bands, orchestras, and brass ensembles. Scholarships specifically for trumpet players can be found at many institutions, emphasizing the instrument’s importance in various musical settings. Understanding what instruments do colleges want can help trumpet players secure significant scholarship opportunities.

Lesser-Known Instruments That Can Lead to Scholarships

While popular instruments often have many scholarship opportunities, lesser-known instruments can also provide unique advantages. Colleges may offer generous scholarships for these instruments due to their rarity and the high demand for skilled players.


While resembling a clarinet, this double-reed instrument is thinner. An oboe performer must pitch exceptionally well; perfecting the tune requires an ample amount of practice. Moreover, some performers need to start on plastic reeds before moving on to wooden ones. Scholarships for oboists are often available due to the instrument’s unique sound and role in orchestras.


The bassoon is another large instrument that can help secure scholarships almost purely due to its rarity. The challenges associated with learning the bassoon, including the need for private lessons, make skilled bassoonists highly sought after by colleges.


The harp is one of the earliest and most difficult instruments known to produce aesthetic sounds. Students who excel at the harp can gain an edge for scholarships, such as the Dr. Edward Adelson Scholarship program at the University of Maryland, which is for undergraduate students who play string-based instruments.


The tuba features the lowest tonal range among brass instruments and requires significant power and dedication to play. The University of Texas offers scholarships like the Everett M. Gilmore Orchestra Tuba Scholarship, emphasizing the tuba’s importance in orchestral settings.


The cello, played by bowing its four strings, is the second-largest string instrument with a rich, deep sound. The University of Maryland offers the Agnes White Bailey Cello Scholarship, with awards ranging from $1,000 to $15,000 per year, highlighting the cello’s importance in orchestral and solo performances.


Probably one of the most popular instruments, making guitar lessons equally popular. However, surprisingly, scholarships are rare here. Young guitar players often join bands to hone their skills, which can sway colleges. The Abell Family String Scholarship Fund, worth $1,275, is available for students invested in string instruments, including the guitar.

How to Choose the Right Instrument for a Scholarship

Choosing the right instrument for scholarship potential can feel like a big decision, but with a few key considerations, you can find the perfect fit:

Popularity and Demand: Think about popular instruments like the piano and violin, which often come with more scholarship opportunities. But don’t shy away from less common instruments like the bassoon or harp; their uniqueness can make you stand out and open doors to special scholarships.

Personal Interest: Follow your passion. When you choose an instrument you truly love, practice becomes enjoyable and fulfilling. This enthusiasm shines through in your performances and can greatly boost your scholarship chances.

Research: Take time to explore what instruments colleges are looking for. Each college has specific needs for their music programs. Understanding these needs helps you make an informed choice that aligns with both your interests and scholarship opportunities.

Availability of Scholarships: Look into the scholarships available for various instruments. Some instruments have numerous scholarship programs, while others might offer fewer but larger awards. Balance these factors to find the best opportunity for you.

Preparing for a Scholarship Application

Getting ready for a scholarship application can be an exciting journey. Here’s how you can set yourself up for success:

  • Consistent Practice: Establish a regular practice routine. The dedication you put in now will pay off in your performances and auditions.
  • Competitions: Engage in competitions to gain valuable experience and recognition. Even if you don’t win, the experience builds your confidence and showcases your commitment.
  • Private Lessons: Invest in private lessons for tailored guidance. A skilled instructor can help you refine your technique, choose the right pieces, and prepare effectively for auditions.
  • Musical Resume: Create a comprehensive resume highlighting your performances, awards, and leadership roles. Include strong letters of recommendation from your instructors to vouch for your dedication and talent.
  • College Outreach: Don’t hesitate to reach out to college music departments. Ask about their specific scholarship requirements and any tips they might have. Some schools might even offer audition advice or opportunities to visit and meet the faculty.

Start Your Musical Journey with Lessons In Your Home

Choosing the right instrument for a scholarship involves balancing popularity, demand, personal passion, and available opportunities. Understanding what instruments do colleges want is crucial, as it can greatly influence your chances of securing a scholarship. You can make informed decisions that enhance your prospects by aligning your musical interests with these insights.

At Lessons In Your Home, we provide personalized music lessons tailored to help your child excel in your chosen instrument. Our dedicated and effective music education can significantly boost their skills and confidence, making them strong scholarship candidates.

Begin or continue your musical journey with us to maximize your child’s scholarship potential and achieve their educational goals through the transformative power of music.

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