Voice Lessons Shape A Career – Opera Colorado

Shape a Career

Voice Lessons
Madama Butterfly picture by “Opera Colorado”

Denver had the privilege of hosting “Madame Butterfly” at Opera Colorado. The star, Xiu Ying Li, has reached international fame for her powerful soprano voice. I was fascinated to read an interview with her, where she talked about growing up in a small village in China, not even aware of the musical form of opera. But she loved to sing. She started voice lessons, and the rest, I guess you could say, is history!

15 Years Of Voice Lessons

I write this blog making the point of the versatility of the voice, and the great ways voice lessons can help make an international superstar, such as Li, or can benefit a young child who has recently been selected to participate in her elementary school’s talent show; as s young girl in Brighton, who just started voice lessons, has found out. Li took voice lessons for 15 years and honed her voice into the stuff of legends. Jaydn, in Brighton, is finding that voice lessons have really helped her confidence in singing out and giving voice to the music she enjoys writing herself. And, of course, helping with that talent show performance. Jaydn tried out with an original song she wrote (multi-talented) and the school loved it so she got to perform!

Vocal Technique

In her interview, Li said to be an opera singer, you can’t only have talent or instinct, you need to develop technique. She put in the time and effort to develop her skills. Most of us will not achieve such status, or pursue our vocal training so diligently, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use our voices in a big way in our own world. When you learn the basics of voice, you can choose the path you take those fundamentals. You can pursue a career, like Xiu Ying Li, or you can pursue singing your favorite Taylor Swift song with confidence; with either choice you will feel the confidence that comes from having some voice lessons and the fundamentals they teach, under your belt.

Voice Lessons

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