The Lessons In Your Home 2024 Scholarship Winner

We are thrilled to announce the winner of the Lessons In Your Home Scholarship for 2024, Susanna Washburn! This year’s selection process was highly competitive, with many talented students vying for the scholarship. Susanna’s impressive history in music and her outstanding piano performance set her apart, though we admit there was SO MUCH TALENT THIS YEAR. It’s hard to objectively pick just one winner, and we want to communicate how amazing and difficult it was to pick a winner.

Susanna Washburn 2024 scholarship winner

Congratulations to All Applicants

Again, we had so many great applicants this year, each showcasing incredible talent and dedication. It was truly challenging to subjectively pick just one winner or instrument. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Susanna Washburn for winning the Scholarship for 2024. Her dedication to music and her ability to articulate the profound impact it has on our lives is truly inspiring.

To all applicants, we want to acknowledge your amazing talents and encourage you to try again next year. Your passion for music is invaluable, and we look forward to seeing your future endeavors.

A Journey in Music

Susanna’s musical journey began with the piano. For about seven years, she took weekly lessons while also singing in her church’s choir and musicals. Her family’s move when she was twelve didn’t hinder her passion for music; instead, it broadened her engagement. She joined her school’s choir, advanced band, and the 7th grade Jazz Ensemble. Throughout her school years, Susanna continued to expand her musical repertoire, learning the flute, participating in various bands and ensembles, and performing in school musicals.

By the time she graduated, Susanna had accumulated six years of choir and advanced band experience, two years in the jazz ensemble, three years in Jazz Band, and had performed a senior piano recital. Her dedication to music extended beyond school extracurriculars, making All-State choir from 7th to 12th grade, singing in the ACCS Honor Choir for two years, and participating in district and state competitions for piano and flute.

Music as a Universal Language

Susanna’s essay beautifully captures her belief in the power of music. She writes, “Looking to the future, I am not sure what role music will play in the coming years. It might be going on to compose for films or perform in musicals. It might be accompanying choirs or teaching lessons from my home. It could even be as simple as singing lullabies to my children and passing on a passion for music. Whatever the role, I am grateful for the music that has shaped my life thus far, and I look forward to continuing on in a love of and desire to create truly excellent music.”

This heartfelt reflection encapsulates the essence of music – it shapes everyone, whether you’re a musician or not. Susanna’s words remind us of the universal language that music speaks, connecting us all in profound ways.

Susanna’s Future Endeavors

Susanna will be attending Biola University, where she plans to double major in Music and Cinema and Media Arts (CMA). Her diverse interests and talents in both fields promise a bright future filled with creative possibilities.

Find Out About the 2025 Scholarship Soon!

At Lessons In Your Home, we are committed to nurturing young talent and supporting their musical journeys. Stay connected with us for your music lesson needs and keep an eye on our website for future scholarship opportunities. Together, let’s make a difference through the power of music!