Teacher Profile: Candace Edwards

Candace Edwards

Candace Edwards

Instrument(s): Piano

City: Houston

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    About Candace Edwards

    Candace Edwards is a dedicated piano teacher whose journey into music began at the age of twelve when she started playing the clarinet, participating in her school marching band and concert band, while exploring various U.I.L opportunities. However, it was her evolving passion for piano that defined her musical trajectory.

    Making a pivotal decision in her educational path, Candace transitioned to focus solely on piano, recognizing its resonance with her musical aspirations. She honed her skills through perseverance and determination which subsequently led her to Lone Star College, eventually declaring a major in Music and Piano Solo Performance.

    Through her collegiate study of sight singing, ear training, and music theory, Candace's educational journey encompasses diverse musical facets. She has enriched her musical experience by participating in ensembles such as Concert Choir and Symphonic Band, broadening her understanding and appreciation of musical expression.

    Under the guidance of esteemed mentors such as Dr. Lisa McCarroll and Teresa Mendoza, renowned for their contributions to piano pedagogy, Candace has embraced classical training. Her repertoire includes masterpieces by celebrated composers such as Claude Debussy, Johann Sebastian Bach, Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach, Friedrich Kuhlau, and Frederic Chopin, showcasing her versatility and depth as a performer.

    A testament to her commitment and talent, Candace embarked on her teaching journey, seizing an opportunity to share her love for piano with others. Grounded in the belief that every student possesses the potential to excel under the guidance of a skilled mentor, Candace embodies the philosophy that with dedication and mentorship, anyone can become a musician.

    Drawing inspiration from her own mentors, Candace imbues her teaching methodology with a blend of traditional pedagogy and innovative techniques. From meticulously crafted curriculum, to interactive technology and engaging games, she ensures that her students develop a comprehensive understanding of their instrument and music theory.

    Central to Candace's teaching ethos is fostering a profound appreciation for music and the piano. Through her instruction, she instills in her students not only a love for music, but also a deep-seated passion for mastering the intricacies of piano performance.

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