Ashley Young

City: Denver

Ashley Young

Ashley was born in Ft. Collins, and has since grown up in Denver. She began learning music at the young age of 4 and has since continuously pursued music in piano and voice at every opportunity. She has continuously sang in choirs since she was 11, and taken both piano and voice lessons for many years.


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Gabriella Zelek

Gabriella  Zelek

Gabriella’s passion for music began when she discovered a love for playing the piano at the age of five. Gabriella taught herself to play instruments by ear, playing music she frequently heard her mother play on the radio. Gabriella developed an interest in writing her own music throughout elementary school. …

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Yuting Zhang

Yuting Zhang

Yuting Zhang is a musician and educator based out of Orlando, FL. He is currently in his last year of study for his Bachelor degree of Music Education at the University of Central Florida. His life goal is to be a well rounded elementary school music teacher who can inspire young students with the music they …

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