Chikondi was introduced to music at age 5, starting piano lessons & singing in the choir. While he was in the 8th grade--his passion for music manifested itself even further. He then began to produce and create music of his own. Chikondi also profoundly grew love for music from church. From church-choirs, to later leading and orchestrating musical praise sets on the high school stage, to go on to later conduct worship services at Andrews University campus churches in Southwest Michigan. After he matriculated from Andrews University with a degree in Secondary Education, he taught in Dayton, Ohio as a high school Spanish teacher. Through his teaching experience, he also gained a variety of teaching experiences outside the classroom by working for after school programs to help struggling students. Chikondi relocated to southwest Michigan and taught in the Benton Harbor area school system. This underserved school populous faces challenges compared to its counterparts. Chikondi helped design the dual-language program curriculum that exists today at their Spanish Dual-Language-Immersion program and taught as a bilingual K-8 Spanish immersion teacher. In addition, he instructed Spanish I and II at Benton Harbor High School and eased behavioral issues by building interactive rapport amongst his students. Then used that rapport to motivate them academically and emotionally. Aside from being a school-teacher, Chikondi is also a VR & app developer, screen-writer, song-writer, composer, jazz pianist, singer, rapper, story-teller, Jedi-Sage Beat Maker Music Producer, and keyboardist. As Chikondi has now briefly stepped away from classroom teaching, he now wants to grow, mentor and ignite the passions of future musicians. Chikondi also is now a musician professionally with the monicker "chikondiman" yielding musical notes of jazz, soul & funk grooves.