Top 4 Easiest Instruments for Kids to Learn

Almost every parent has heard that their child should learn how to play a musical instrument.  It sharpens the mind and gives them something that at worst is a fun hobby and at best could be a wonderful new career.  However, the task of selecting the right instrument for your child can be daunting, especially if you’ve never played an instrument yourself.


The flute is an exciting aerophone or woodwind instrument that produces sound as air flows across the shaft and through the openings. It challenges a child to learn how to move individual fingers in different patterns, adding to their motor skills and dexterity.

Flutes come in various sizes with larger ones posing a potential problem as small children might find it harder to balance. Fortunately, you can buy the perfect sized flute for your kid at an affordable price. We recommend that if your child is above 10 years of age you should consider this instrument for them.
Most schools in the United States offer recorder classes, which is an introductory woodwind through which basic operative techniques such as finger movements are taught. Opting to introduce music lessons at home to your child offers the possibility of experienced flute tutors with years of teaching experience who can guide your child through the proper techniques needed to become effective musicians.


A drum kit; also known as a drum or, trap set, comprises of percussion based instruments such as the drum and its accompanying cymbals. The drum itself is made up of a piece of leather stretched tightly over circular frames, which when hit with its allotted drumsticks, produce sound. This is a stimulating instrument to learn, ideal for younger kids suffering from teenage angst as they channel their frustration into the percussion produced. Additionally, research shows that drumming helps strengthen the immune system; bolstering physical healing. It also allows for a healthy channel of expression, reducing stress and anxiety.
Drummers are multi-faceted performers that learn about the intricacies of music such as grooves and harmonies. As they continuously play with instrumentalists, they are able to judge the skill levels of other performers, and can identify by ear when any musician plays out of beat.
Parents should consider the cost of a complete drum kit with 5 beginner-level cymbals, which is both expensive and takes up considerable space. If you’ve decided to purchase a drum set for your child, now is the perfect time to consider music tutors that can help unlock their rhythm. Atlanta, in particular holds a wealth of music expertise with seasoned professionals who can help your child with drum lessons in the comfort of their own home.


The piano is a stringed acoustic instrument that produces sound when an attached hammer strikes internally located strings. Unlike drums, pianos are seen as elegant musical instruments that boast an air of prestige, thanks to a great number of illustrious pianists that have produced timeless compositions.
As a parent, you should consider a piano as the instrument of choice for your child if they display an interest in it. The number of keys makes it appear difficult to operate; however, regular classes will ensure your child learns to play it well, and with ease. This is a musical instrument that enhances their knowledge as children learn how to properly read each clef, and with practice can become great musicians.
Because pianos enjoy a great reputation, you can find good deals and second-hand keyboards from individuals disposing of theirs.  Piano isn’t something that is readily offered at schools in the same way that wood or string instruments are.  Getting in home piano lessons is a great way to set your child apart come time for band.


The xylophone is a funky looking musical instrument that will undoubtedly catch the eye of your child. As another percussion instrument, it varies in its soundscape from each continent. In western countries, this instrument is commonly tuned to the chromatic scale with a higher pitch range.
The operation is easy, requiring bars to be struck with a wooden mallet to produce sound. We consider this an easy instrument as xylophones have their bars marked with the specific note. This decreases the difficulty of playing the instrument and the loss of interest that might occur due to the distress your child feels when playing poorly.
The instrument increases your child’s understanding of music scales and the different octaves that increases their appreciation and knowledge of music theory, and trains their ear to pick up the slightest of shifts in tone and pitch. Younger children of ages less than 10 can greatly benefit from the simplicity of the instrument and the improvement gained in their motor skills through regular practice.

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