To Rent or Buy A Trumpet, That is the Question
You’re son or daughter hasn’t even started yet and it’s time to get an instrument. You probably have received some information from a local music store that sells and rents band and orchestra instruments and now it’s decision time.
Quality Matters
If you rent an instrument, most of the time, you are getting a solid instrument that will serve your child well while learning. Your dealer wants a healthy relationship with local music directors and quality matters in learning to play an instrument. That being said, although you might find new trumpet on-line for $250, your student won’t be better severed by it. We say forget the sales aspect that the dealers offering, rent an instrument for the first year and then based on your child’s feeling about band make the best choice at that time.
You Can Sell An Instrument!
At a recent In Home Trumpet Lesson of a new student his father approached me and said, “I want my son to continue and play the trumpet for a long time, but if he doesn’t continue will it be hard to sell?” You can sell an instrument and it’s safe and easy. Ebay and Craigslist are your 1st and 2nd approach, if you don’t know about how to, ask your friends and they will help you. It’s never a bad idea to call a private trumpet teacher or your band director and let them know you have one for sale. There are always students who will be starting and parents like you that have made the decision to buy.
Taking Care of Your Trumpet
There are only two things your really need to take care of your trumpet so don’t be pressured to by the kit when first getting your instrument. You need valve oil and you need slide grease. The valve oil will keep your trumpet working great, your student know the difference and the band teacher will most likely demonstrate but if not, try a YouTube video that looks trusted. Slide grease will help the two slides on your trumpet not get locked up and easy to adjust.
Don’t Buff or Polish Your Trumpet
Don’t use polish on your trumpet. There is a coat of lacquer on the instrument and the more you rub it the sooner it will come off and then you’re going to start seeing tarnish sooner. Fingerprints mean your using your horn, embrace them, shinny means unused and used is cool and hip.
In Home Trumpet Teachers Can Help With Decisions
Maybe we are biased but we’d like you to start your trumpet lessons when you first start playing. When it comes to deciding on instrument we can also help. When you’re renting your instrument we’ll evaluate the student, their aptitude and technique and can really help make the best decision on an instrument in that first year of play. Professional level instruments are for professional trumpeters’ so we aren’t going to break your bank, but rather suggest the best type and style of trumpet to help the student the best.