Teacher Profile: Mandy Pardinas

Mandy Pardinas

Mandy Pardinas

Instrument(s): Guitar, Piano, Ukulele

City: Miami/South Florida

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    About Mandy Pardinas

    Ammanda Pardinas (Mandy) is a skilled music teacher from Miami, Florida who specializes in providing guitar and ukulele lessons, with a strong focus on classical performance. With five years of classical guitar training from Professor Jose Adan and currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Guitar Performance at Florida International University, she has a well-rounded background in the field of guitar and ukulele.

    Mandy's's passion for music started at the age of thirteen when she began playing guitar. She was self-taught and started off completely by ear and chord charts before getting musical training, much later in her 20's. She has in-depth knowledge of various musical genres, including folk, pop, acoustic, country, and rock. However, her true passion lies in classical guitar performance. After learning so much on the study of the classical guitar, Mandy decided to apply those same techniques to ukulele. She loves the ukulele because of its charming sound and small size, and she believes that beautiful, professional-grade music can be played on a ukulele, despite its reputation for being a toy instrument. In addition to being a skilled guitarist, Mandy is a singer-songwriter with two released albums and is currently working on the third. Outside of music, Mandy loves to spend her time making crochet sweaters while cozying up with her three cats, a movie, and a good meal.

    Mandy firmly believes that everyone has the potential to learn and excel at music. She is dedicated to helping her students reach their full potential, whether they are a beginner or an advanced player. She works with each student to develop a personalized lesson plan that caters to their individual goals and learning style. Overall, she is committed to guiding her students towards achieving their musical aspirations, be it strumming a few chords or mastering the art of classical guitar performance.

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