Teacher Profile: Harris Peek

Harris Peek

Harris Peek

Instrument(s): Guitar, Piano

City: Atlanta

Education: Berklee College of Music

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    About Harris Peek

    Raised in the heart of Georgia, Harris Peek embarked on a musical journey at the age of six. Harris discovered his passion for music when he began taking piano lessons, setting the stage for his future in music industry. As Harris progressed through high school, his musical horizons expanded as he embraced the world of guitar and drumming, honing his skills in these instruments as well.

    Since high school, Harris has performed with various bands, not confining to a single genre. This spectrum of musical styles includes jazz, country, R&B, and live DJ techniques.

    With a thirst for knowledge and an unwavering commitment to music, Harris embarked on a six-year collegiate journey dedicated to the study of music composition and audio engineering.

    Harris also has brief experience guest lecturing university courses on music production. Through teaching, Harris not only shared their wealth of knowledge but also inspired the next generation of musicians and audio engineers to follow their own creative paths.

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