Teacher Profile: Gabriel Ibarra

Gabriel Ibarra

Gabriel Ibarra

Instrument(s): Guitar, Piano, Ukulele

City: Dallas

Education: University of North Texas

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    About Gabriel Ibarra

    Gabriel Ibarra is an instructor of piano, guitar, and ukulele residing in the DFW area, and an active performer of the local musical community.

    His interest in music began when he was a teenager as a creative hobby and later developed into a serious avenue for him. He began to study jazz with Ben Holt at TCC Southeast and regularly performed as part of the Jazz Combo Band at local venues.

    From there, he took his studies to the University of North Texas, where he focused on piano and Classical Guitar and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music. He studied with various professors such as Dr. Noe Garcia, Dr. Sergio Felix Hernandez, and Program Founder Thomas Johnson. He was also a part of the Classical Guitar Ensemble that held performances every semester.

    Since graduating, he has dedicated himself as a guitar, piano, and ukulele educator and has enjoyed teaching various different genres to a wide range of student backgrounds. His values and goals as an educator are deeply rooted in the belief of serving and inspiring communities, fostering growth not only in music but in other aspects of life and empower these students through musical experiences.

    Apart from music, Gabriel enjoys traveling, reading, and trying new restaurants.

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