Teacher Profile: Fulvia Fossati

Fulvia Fossati

Fulvia Fossati

Instrument(s): Piano, Voice

City: Washington, DC

Education: Institute for Vocal Advancement

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    About Fulvia Fossati

    Fulvia is a professional musician, songwriter and internationally certified vocal instructor.

    A singer at heart, she started studying piano and singing at the age of 9 in Bolivia, and started her teaching journey at the age of 17, helping singers of all ages take their first steps into the world of music. For the last 15 years she collaborated as a professional singer with some of Bolivia's most celebrated musicians and composers in different genres, and has had the pleasure of coaching some of Bolivia's most recognized singers today.

    ​In 2020 she joined the Institute for Vocal Advancement where she earned a certification as an international vocal instructor, and where she continues her studies in vocal science with master teachers such as Jeffrey Skouson, Linda Tomkinson, Kathy Kennedy, and many more. This way she is always growing as a professional, so she can offer her students nothing but the best. Her motto is "I don't want to offer my students stagnant water but be a source of fresh running water for them".

    ​She is passionate about vocal science, and knows how important it is for singers to find their own voice and unique personal style, with a healthy professional technique, the goal is to help them achieve that. She work with singers all ages, all levels and different genres such as pop, rock, musical theater, indie, r&b, soul, blues and jazz.

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