Teacher Profile: Cristian Perez

Cristian Perez

Cristian Perez

Instrument(s): Guitar, Piano, Ukulele

City: Miami/South Florida

Education: University of Florida, Florida International University

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    About Cristian Perez

    Cristian Perez is a passionate musician with a dedicated focus on solo and chamber music performance. He earned his Bachelor's degree from the University of Florida in 2019, studying under the mentorship of Dr. Marco Sartor. Subsequently, he completed his Master's in Music Performance at Florida International University, guided by Dr. Mesut Ozgen. Cristian has enriched his musical journey through participation in masterclasses led by acclaimed artists such as Benjamin Verdery, Sergio Assad, Martha Masters, Steve Goss, Gohar Vardanyan, and Rafael Padron.

    In 2021, Cristian was featured as a soloist in a captivating performance of Vivaldi's Lute Concerto in D major at Florida International University's esteemed Florida GuiART Festival. He also had the honor of being a featured guest artist at New World School of the Arts's prestigious GuitarFest in 2023. Notably, Perez places a special emphasis on spotlighting the works of women composers in his solo repertoire, incorporating pieces by luminaries like Ida Presti and Teresa de Rogatis to bring attention to their often overlooked contributions to the world of music.

    In addition to his performance endeavors, Cristian is deeply committed to teaching, viewing it as an integral aspect of musicianship. He derives immense satisfaction from witnessing students blossom and flourish in their musical journey.

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