Teacher Profile: Caleb Shaw

Caleb Shaw

Caleb Shaw

Instrument(s): Bass Guitar, Drums, Guitar, Ukulele

City: Dallas

Education: Music Professional

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    About Caleb Shaw

    Caleb is a country and blues musician from Dallas, Texas and an avid teacher of guitar, bass guitar, drums, and ukulele. He began his musical journey when he was 12 with middle school percussion and rock bands with his buddies. He picked up a guitar when he was a teenager and has never since been able to put it down. Today he is an active performer in the local music community. He knows the only secret to great musicianship is hard work. Anyone can achieve their musical goals as long as they are putting in the time. Caleb's goal with every student is to create practice plans and goals where practicing won't feel like work, but instead feel like the student's relaxing time away from the world where they get to do something they enjoy. His instruments have left him through some tough times in his life, and he wants to provide all his students with the same constructive, therapeutic outlet that music gives him.

    Fun Facts: Caleb played college baseball and he likes to read philosophy books in his spare time

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