First Things First on the Trumpet
During the first in home trumpet lessons a new player needs to learn a few key aspects. Before they even play a single note on their instrument it is crucial that they know the proper position at which to hold the trumpet. Sit upright in a chair, insert the mouthpiece into the mouthpiece receiver at the end of the trumpet (twist it ever so slightly to seat it in place, but not too much, or too often, or it may become stuck), and grasp it between your hands. Your right hand should not be carrying the weight of the instrument. Keep it loose and as relaxed as possible.
The thumb on your right hand should go just under the leadpipe (that’s the tubing coming from where you insert the mouthpiece to the rest of the instrument). Your pointer, middle and ring fingers should be placed carefully on the first, second and third valves. Make sure to lay your fingers down such that you can be pressing down on the trumpet valves with a straight up-and-down, rather than a side-to-side, motion. This will allow you to build up more speed in time, and prolong the life of your instrument. Your pinky on the right hand should go on top of, not inside, the ring or pinky rest just toward the bell from where the valves are. Placing it inside this ring, though it may seem more natural, leads to too much gripping of the horn with the right hand, limiting what you can do on those all-important three valves.
Having an in-home trumpet teachers are a priceless benefit, because they walk you through all of these steps. It is a hands on approach to the instrument which has been proven as beneficial over the test of time. There is just no substitute for a personal lesson. Even “simple” instruments need instruction. A good trumpet teacher in your home will eliminate so much of the guesswork and make getting to the music that much faster!
Holding the Trumpet
When grasping a trumpet, nearly all of the weight should be carried by your left hand, as this hand is not responsible for pushing the trumpet’s valves to get different notes. This is a lesson that many trumpet players, even very good ones, never quite get. They end up resting a lot of the weight of a heavy instrument on their right thumb and pinkie, which results in tension in the hand not conducive to good freedom of movement with the valves.
Practice holding the trumpet with just your left hand, with your thumb in the ring closest to the trumpet mouthpiece. Now place your pointer, middle and pinkie fingers around the the valves, resting on the body of the third valve slide. This is something you need to learn in your very first trumpet lesson, or it will haunt you later. Place your pinkie in the ring closest to the bell. Make sure to adjust the ring such that your whole hand can lay comfortably. If your trumpet does not have a third valve slide ring, simply place your hand in the position that is most comfortable for you.
Benefits of Trumpet Playing
The trumpet is a beautiful and wonderfully versatile instrument. Having an instrument that is so portable opens up a world of opportunities in the musical world. I can’t imagine hearing a song from the classic group “Chicago” without the benefit of the trumpets wailing in the background. It makes the song. It is the same effect trumpet has on any marching band or orchestra. A good in home trumpet teacher is vital in communicating the important points of the trumpet. Proper technique, and reading the music that one must read in order to perform trumpet music is best achieved working with a qualified trumpet teacher who also shares the passion for trumpet music and all the wonderful aspects it adds to our music scene!
Are you ready to Get Started with your in home trumpet lessons?