“Demons” by Imagine Dragons – Family Band Part 2

In a previous post, I went over some guidelines about “How to Start a Family Band.”  This video is from Lessons In Your Home’s Spring Recital, which was held on May 18th, 2014, and three brothers (Connor, Jake, and Tyler) who take piano lessons with me performed a trio arrangement of “Demons” by Imagine Dragons.
Watch the video and enjoy this excellent arrangement of “Demons” from Connor, Jake, and Tyler!

Looking at the key points discussed in my previous post, these three students followed the process to the letter.  First, they saw the potential to all work together as musicians, as they are all well-established in their study of piano and knowledge of popular music.  A song was chosen that they all knew and was in a style they enjoyed, and Connor (the oldest) worked as a leader to arrange the instrumentation.  From their combined skills, they determined who could fill different instrumental roles—from singing, to piano accompaniment, to percussion–they brought a varied range of textures to the performance.  The result of these efforts was a great performance that they worked out and practiced at home with very little coaching from me as their teacher.

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