Ever since a fateful day in elementary school in the early 90’s, where students could try different instruments, the musical muse swept in to become the central passion of Nate Cowing’s life. He received an Undergrad in Music, a Masters in Entertainment MGMT, and worked with some of the music industry’s finest first as an intern for both MTV and “Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon,” and then as a producer for AXS TV.
From his very first performance in 4th grade at a local mall with the elementary school band, to winning the state championship multiple times as the center snare in the state’s top marching band, to winning a national championship while marching snare in the Blue Knights Percussion Ensemble, to being a member of the Denver Broncos Drumline for many seasons, to being a long time professional gigging musician, to touring all over the country, to writing/recording/performing all the instruments/producing his own songs, Nate Cowing has lived a very musical life.
Nate has been playing the drums for 30 years and guitar for 22 and has a very strong understanding of how all the different pieces of the musical puzzle come together to make songs that make music fundamental to the human experience. His passion for sharing this knowledge and connecting others to the language of music is central to living this musical life. Seeing others, and helping others find their own connection to music is the best!
The most common questions many musicians hear is “how are your hands doing that?”… “how do your ears hear that?” and “how do you know what to play?” The quick answer is like this: Have you ever overheard a conversation in a foreign language and wondered how on earth they know what each other is saying? Or imagine somebody just starting to learn English wondering how you are able to just walk up to a person you don’t know and converse effortlessly. Music is a language and operates in the same way. You just have to learn how to speak it. And just like any language, it takes time and continual effort. However, the real magic is that music truly is The Universal Language, and no matter where you are at in life, taking music lessons is the best gift you could ever give yourself or your child, as speaking the language of music is one of the most rewarding experiences that a human being can have. In a nutshell, it’s just plain fun!
For Nate, picking up a guitar and knowing how to play it because of all the years put into it, or sitting down behind a drum kit on a big stage with friends or other professional musicians he may have just met while walking to the stage, and then being able to groove and move a crowd, is the most rewarding experience in the world, and one he loves sharing with others so they can pursue their own musical life, as music truly brings community together. He’s ready to help you or your child learn The Universal Language and to have fun while doing it!