Teacher Profile: Josef La-Bolle

Josef La-Bolle

Josef La-Bolle

Instrument(s): Cello, Flute, Piano, Violin

City: Seattle

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    About Josef La-Bolle

    Josef has found his purpose in life by dedicating himself to Music Creation, Performance, and Teaching. The cello is his primary instrument which he loves for its warmth, depth, expression and command. Josef enjoys playing the cello in ensembles and orchestras, as well as accompanying music that uses voice and guitar. He also plays the concert flute which he chose because it is the exact opposite of the cello and fulfills roles of which the cello is less capable. The concert flute is an easily portable instrument who's soprano voice can be highly agile and energetic. The flute also performs well for music that is somber, sedated or peaceful. The flute allows Josef to play extroverted music from cultures around the world; like latin, samba and jazz, among many others. Josef also enjoys playing and teaching piano. He enjoys the piano because it is a wonderful instrument for voicing multiple parts, it is necessary instrument for accompanying musicians, and it is a great tool for demonstrating music theory. In Music, Josef finds Creativity, Sociality, Mental Acuity and Purpose. There is always music that he wants to learn, friends that he loves to perform with, and technical goals that he is working towards.

    Josef has found purpose dedicating his life to music because:

    We are social creatures, and what is more social than creating music with a room full of skilled and artistic people? Music brings people together. It unites performers and those who gather to listen. Music is a cooperative venture.

    In a world of artificial intelligence, the mastery of a complex skill is becoming a rare phenomenon. Learning an instrument teaches us the value of consistency in tackling a long-term goal. It reveals to us that good things take time to manifest. Learning an instrument also teaches us to have an appreciation for beauty, an awareness of history, a perception of refinement, and a gratitude for those who came before us in this world.

    Music is Magic.

    Josef is grateful to be a music teacher because he wants to share with others the gifts that he has received through music. As someone who strives to improve as a musician, he values the opportunity to learn through teaching. And as someone who loves people, he cherishes the fact that his job is people-oriented. Josef is excited to teach Lessons in Your Home.

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