Teacher Profile: Harlan Smyth

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    About Harlan Smyth

    Harlan Smyth is a friend to all those who wish to learn. Having taken lessons since the age of 6, Harlan has run the gambit of instructors. Starting with the guitar at 6, he learned what he sought in a music teacher. At 10 years old, he picked up the flute and never looked back. Learning from the lovely Alison Hubbard for over a decade, he was able to cultivate a repertoire that garnered attention from music schools nation wide. After falling in love with the flute program at CU Boulder, Harlan was taught by the prodigious Christina Jennings until Covid changed his collegiate trajectory.

    Having played in venues ranging from Carnegie Hall in NYC to the Fox Theatre in Boulder, Harlan has a wealth of performance experience to draw from. He has played the Guitar since 2007 and the Flute since 2010. He was the frontman in his high school band "the Gooberts," singing and playing guitar at gigs during the summer prior to leaving for college. In college, he was a founding member of the band "Horsham Road" and currently plays flute, guitar and sings at gigs throughout the Denver Metro Area.

    Harlan has a true passion for teaching flute, guitar, ukulele and bass guitar. With years of teaching experience, Harlan knows that inspiring a passion for music is not about hours practiced or meticulous attention to theory. Rather, it is about enjoying picking up your instrument; enjoying your ability, your potential, and your mistakes. Fostering this simple pleasure for music is what drives someone play a song around a campfire, perform at a concert, and even audition for music school. It is Harlan's goal to help his students find this passion.

    Other than music Harlan is an avid athlete. He snowboards, hikes, plays golf and hockey, and is a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He also loves his plants and his dog Zuko.

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