Teacher Profile: Hannah Kim

Hannah Kim

Hannah Kim

Instrument(s): Piano

City: Dallas

Education: Texas State University

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    About Hannah Kim

    Hannah O. Kim is a Korean American freelance pianist, collaborator, and private piano lesson instructor originally from South Korea, is now based in DFW area TX, United States, where she started her musical journey with piano at the age of six. During her primary school years, she had her first public performance and made debut as a classical pianist with performing ‘Kuhlau’s complete sonatas Op.55’ for a young artist piano competition in South Korea. Subsequently, she has also participated in various intensity piano competitions that include esteemed MTNA (Music Teachers National Association) competition and achieved several notable accomplishments. Lately, she completed her undergraduate studies and obtained music degree concentration of keyboard from Texas State University and has delved into the world of music continuously.

    She enjoys curating diverse repertoires that are pleasing to ears for concerts and recitals. In the past, she excelled not only as a classical pianist but also was an active member of the jazz band for several years, and showcased her skills as a violinist, singer, and harpsichord player. Additionally, she participated in various events such as performed with wind symphony and orchestras, university and church choirs as a soprano singer, obtained several all-state recognitions, attended medieval festivals, and performed in school orchestra concerts as a violinist.

    Hannah has been passionately sharing her knowledge and love for piano since she was college students, offering comprehensive instruction to students of all ages and levels.

    As a piano lesson teacher, her primary guiding principle in teaching to Hannah is implements a teaching approach that focuses on instilling a passion for music, inspiring students, setting goals together, providing encouragement, and doing her best to ensure their musical growth and success. She believes in creating a positive and supportive learning environment where students can explore their musical potential. Her teaching methods encompass a diverse range of resources, materials, and books customized to cater to varying levels of proficiency, with a focus on prioritizing students’ preferences. By offering comprehensive instruction and personalized guidance, Hannah aims to empower students to become well-rounded musicians.

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