Teacher Profile: Dylan Walker

Dylan Walker

Dylan Walker

Instrument(s): Piano, Voice

City: Denver

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    About Dylan Walker

    Dylan Walker began his musical journey early on in his childhood, learning and performing Irish and Scottish folk music. A military kid, he and his family were crowd favorites performing for parties on base and at small get-togethers. Feeling it to be his calling, Dylan could never shake the itch to perform!

    His grade school years were spent dabbling with piano and trumpet, finally deciding in high school to pursue voice as his main passion. Under the tutelage of the renowned director Michael Erlich, Dylan performed in three different choirs across his home state of Virginia in 2007, being featured at the Kennedy Center and on state news a few times. Following this passion for singing, Dylan attended Christopher Newport University where during the NATS statewide competition he won First Place for freshmen. He graduated with a Bachelor's of Music in Vocal Performance in 2012, having performed the operatic roles Martin in The Tender Land, Rino in Gianni Schicchi and Albert in his namesake Albert Herring. Dylan also worked the first two inaugural winter seasons at the well regarded Busch Gardens Williamsburg. After graduating, Dylan began teaching privately and began his forays into different vocal genres, ranging from traditional Jazz all the way through Hardcore and Punk.

    Dylan's teaching philosophy centers on igniting and nurturing students' innate passion for music. Dylan firmly believes that every individual possesses a unique musical inclination waiting to be explored and honed. His role is not only to impart technical skills, but also to inspire, guide, and empower students to discover and cultivate their musical passion. At the core of Dylan's approach lies a student-centered methodology. He strives to create a supportive and inclusive environment where each student feels valued and encouraged to express themselves freely through music. Understanding that every learner has distinct strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, Dylan tailors his teaching methods to cater to individual needs. This personalized approach helps students feel engaged, motivated, and confident in their musical journey.

    Outside of his professional life, Dylan enjoys local concerts both well known and obscure, playing video games and card games, and experimenting with cuisines from different countries and cultures! Growing up surrounded by trees, Dylan enjoys the occasional trip into the mountains where it feels a bit more like home.

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