Teacher Profile: David Kennedy

David Kennedy

David Kennedy

Instrument(s): Bass Guitar, Guitar

City: Denver

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    About David Kennedy

    David first learned to play the piano when he was six. He played the clarinet in middle school, then the saxophone in high school, before picking up a guitar. He quickly became obsessed. Under the tutelage of John McCoy, he learned to play classical, flamenco and blues. John also introduced him to music theory, which he continued to study in college before he switched to mathematics with a minor in education.

    David's musical interests are eclectic, tending toward (but not limited to) the avant-garde and experimental sides of jazz and rock.

    Outside of music, David enjoys climbing, biking, hiking, running, reading, and writing. He also teaches/tutors math, programming, and graphic design. He is a husband and father of three, all of whom are creative and artistic.

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