Teacher Profile: Chris Van Dorn

Chris Van Dorn

Chris Van Dorn

Instrument(s): Drums

City: Orlando

Education: Valencia College, University of Central Florida

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    About Chris Van Dorn

    Chris Van Dorn is a drummer from Orlando, Florida. He got the bug of playing drums early from his dad who was a professional drummer that toured with the Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, and Godspell. Chris was in numerous rock bands throughout middle school and high school. Playing shows in the downtown Orlando area. One of his favorite drummers is John Bonham of Led Zeppelin.

    Chris has been on the recording side of music as an audio engineer working out of studios such as The Carriage House, KDS Studios, and doing audio sweeting for NBC Universal.

    Chris is a very patient teacher and has a passion for sharing the magic of music with others as his dad did with him. His number one priority is to make learning a fun experience so that the student will find a lifelong love of playing and creating music that they can then pass along to others.

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