Annalisa Brawdy has been singing for over 20 years, professionally for the past 8. Her musical training began with the St. Louis Symphony Children’s Choir and continued with voice and viola into high school. She earned accolades such as All-County, All-State and Outstanding Musician, and Superior ratings for both vocal and instrumental throughout high school. Herpassion for teaching developed there as she served as student assistant, leading and directing various vocal and instrumental ensembles. Her passion and motivation led her to earn her Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education at Brigham YoungUniversity-Idaho with a choral emphasis. While there, she participated in vocal and instrumental ensembles including collegiate orchestra, all the auditioned choirs, and Opera Scenes, for which she was selected as assistant director.
Her musical versatility and natural talent led her to learn instruments as varied as French Horn, Vibraphone, Timpani, and Trombone, as well as all the string instruments. She completed her student teaching at the prestigious Las Vegas Academy for Performing Arts, accompanying them in the Heritage Festival competition in San Diego. After graduating in 2012, Annalisa moved back to Orlando. She is a frequent soloist in local church and community performances, including Handel’s Messiah. She performs with the Winter Garden Community Choir and Orlando Symphony joint concerts and serves as accompanist for the Winter Garden Chamber Choir. She substitutes regularly for elementary, middle, and high schools throughout Orange County and enjoys teaching students of all ages.