Teacher Profile: Anna Beaty

Anna Beaty

Anna Beaty

Instrument(s): Piano

City: Dallas

Education: Music Professional

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    About Anna Beaty

    Anna is passionate about helping young students find their musical voice and experiencing the joy that comes from expressing emotion through music. She has been playing the piano since she was 8 years old, and has loved being able to carry a love of music and the arts with her throughout her life. Anna truly cannot imagine her life without the beauty of making music and being able to express herself without words.

    Anna grew up in the Dallas area and took piano lessons starting at the age of 8. She has been able to maintain her love for the piano since then through continued practice and discipline. Anna was fortunate to be taught by numerous teachers and see lots of different teaching styles. She also performed in yearly recitals, competed at bi-yearly festivals and completed yearly theory tests. Anna also took ballet from an early age, and for her these two loves of ballet and piano were integrated. They are both strong artistic disciplines that require a depth of feeling and a commitment to structure and practice that she adored even as a child.

    As a new teacher, Anna’s goals for your student would be two: first, that she would form a meaningful and encouraging relationship with your child. That she could get to know what it is that makes them uniquely themself; their favorite sports, subjects in school, video games, ice cream flavors...you name it! And that they would come to view her as a friend and confidant, and as a steady part of their week. Secondly, Anna would hope to instill in your student a deep love for music that could last for many years. If a child is given an instrument at a young age and taught the discipline and artistry to be able to express their emotions through that instrument, they will have a rich and vibrant inner world and the skills to be able to overcome any challenge.

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